Sunday, October 28, 2007
Sunday Seven
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
--Colossians 3:17
1. As the croupy one and I wandered the aisles of CVS Friday night, the pharmacy clerk glanced at our names in the computer, looked at me, did a double take, and exclaimed, "Mrs. N, you're BETTER!!". I had to laugh that she remembered me...and that she had a hard time recognizing me with hair. It's definitely progress...
2.I was "blessed" with insomnia last night...but got to talk with my best friend on the phone. Sometimes the time difference actually works in our favor!
3.Having to stay home with the "crouplet" means that I'm starting Monday with a clean house, caught up laundry, AND the costumes for Wednesday are hemmed, cleaned and pressed.
4. I realized, for the first time since we moved here, that I was truly unhappy about having to miss church. This is a good thing...we may have found a church home!
5. My tween queen had her Dad stop at Starbucks on the way home from church. She used a birthday gift card to treat me to my favorite (a "no/no/no" pumpkin latte! That would be nonfat,decaf, no whip). In her words, I deserved it because I "was stuck home with the croupy poop"! That's my baby!
6. The Princess is on her way home as I type. She had a wonderful weekend with her Grandparents, Aunt and cousins. We're really getting excited about the blessing of having us all gathered together for thanksgiving for the first time in thirteen years.
7. We sent out emails for the relay. My dh encouraged me to really bump up my goal for fundraising and has offered to do some canvassing. My friends and family have NOT disappointed me. You are all amazing blessings and I'm thankful for not only the donations but the prayers and the "ground support" that my in-laws will be that weekend.
1. As the croupy one and I wandered the aisles of CVS Friday night, the pharmacy clerk glanced at our names in the computer, looked at me, did a double take, and exclaimed, "Mrs. N, you're BETTER!!". I had to laugh that she remembered me...and that she had a hard time recognizing me with hair. It's definitely progress...
2.I was "blessed" with insomnia last night...but got to talk with my best friend on the phone. Sometimes the time difference actually works in our favor!
3.Having to stay home with the "crouplet" means that I'm starting Monday with a clean house, caught up laundry, AND the costumes for Wednesday are hemmed, cleaned and pressed.
4. I realized, for the first time since we moved here, that I was truly unhappy about having to miss church. This is a good thing...we may have found a church home!
5. My tween queen had her Dad stop at Starbucks on the way home from church. She used a birthday gift card to treat me to my favorite (a "no/no/no" pumpkin latte! That would be nonfat,decaf, no whip). In her words, I deserved it because I "was stuck home with the croupy poop"! That's my baby!
6. The Princess is on her way home as I type. She had a wonderful weekend with her Grandparents, Aunt and cousins. We're really getting excited about the blessing of having us all gathered together for thanksgiving for the first time in thirteen years.
7. We sent out emails for the relay. My dh encouraged me to really bump up my goal for fundraising and has offered to do some canvassing. My friends and family have NOT disappointed me. You are all amazing blessings and I'm thankful for not only the donations but the prayers and the "ground support" that my in-laws will be that weekend.
Wow!!! I checked out your relay page!! That is so awesome!! I was praying from the very beginning that you would raise $300...that's been surpassed and thensome!!!! I don't know if it's gotten there yet but K.F. (the boyfriend's mom) handed me a check for you that I mailed to the address they have on the website so there's that too. I'm so thrilled at the amount you've been able to raise, I'm glad I could play a small part in it!! AND I'm glad you had insomnia the other night because I got to talk to you!!!
Love you sweetie!!!
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