Tuesday, February 13, 2007
It's been blessedly quiet here on the chemo ward. We've had some minor drama with fluid retention, nausea, and the need for another blood transfusion, but those all pale in light of the fact that I can think and type! I'm even able to do some crafting, which is a blessing for someone like me who hates idle hands.

As always, there is plenty of time to think and reflect. My oldest daughter and I were out on a "hot date" the other night (Starbucks and Target) when she asked me, "Mom, how do you do it all--take care of us, do the schooling, and do chemo??".

I thought for a moment and the answer came to me. "Grace". I told here that when she was a (fairly easy) baby, I felt overwhelmed with my day to day tasks of taking care of her. I can only imagine what I could accomplish now with only one baby in the house--but now I have Four Kid Grace and Sarcoma grace as well, so my perspective is vastly different.

I also told her that I don't do it all. The floors and the bathrooms take a backseat to schooling and a rest break for mom, and that's just how it is right now.

This brought me to why I'm so uncomfortable when I'm told by others that I'm a "supermom" or an "inspiration". I'm just doing my job. One of the things that I loved about the "Attitude" post was that it noted that everyone is fighting their own battles. You don't have to downplay yours just because mine looks a bit grimmer at the moment. Instead, we need to encourage one another...and I want to know what people I love are struggling with because then I can pray and encourage them as well.

Because His grace is always sufficient...for every battle we face, large or small.

  posted at 9:43 AM  

At 1:52 PM, Blogger Hiker Chick said...

Glad to hear you're thinking and typing! I'll call you later (if N ever finishes his schoolwork).

Still gaining and losing the same 1-2 lbs., and trying to get to goal weight. Sigh.

At 2:48 AM, Blogger Laurie said...

You are right Heather! Perspective is good at times too. I know someone that thinks I'm "superwoman" because of the schedule I keep and the things I keep up with.... I'm with you... grace for each step of the way. And I just keep trying to be thankful that God is providing for us.

Still... I'm inspired by the faithfulness of others as I also seek to be faithful. I love you Heather. Thank you for sharing your journey so freely. Can't wait to see you!


At 6:50 AM, Blogger Susan said...

Yes, Heather, His grace is sufficient for every battle. I'm always blown away because I know that while He's caring about a "big battle" like what you're going through...He still cares about things I would consider "little battles" in mine and other people's lives. He's a VERY BIG God and for that, I'm glad.

Happy Valentine's Day....


:-) Susan

At 11:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Men's Fellowship at (your former) church is working through Transforming Grace by Jerry Bridges. His whole premise is that most Christians "get it" that our salvation is not works-based, but is all about God's grace. However, we tend to live our lives AFTER salvation in a performance-based, works-based way; we don't really believe that God "deals with us day by day by His grace" (p. 44).

But your life - and mine, too, if I'm honest - is evidence that God does indeed "grace" us every day of our lives. . . whether with Four Kid grace or Sarcoma grace or any other type that he so lovingly provides.

Thanks for reminding us of what we all neeed to hear.

Love from Phoenix!

K & K

At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Heather! Barb finally got this site to me yesterday. Everyone kept saying you had a blog but no one could remember the address.

Female's weren't the same without your energy this year. You are truly missed. It's been interesting to say the least......

I am grateful for your faith and this LDS girl is praying for you.
Veda :')


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